Thursday, September 13, 2012

Getting Away from the 20/80 Mess of Church Work

What I am about to suggest to you is probably the most counter-intuitive thing you will find me ever saying, at least among church folks and pastors.  It is not the norm and nowhere near what most church people are used to hearing at least from Church leadership, “We need our people doing Less Work.”  Now, before you misunderstand give me just a moment to explain.   

I have never been a fan of the “20% of the people doing 80% of the Work” mantra in the church.  First, it’s not true, because in most churches it’s usually less than 20% of the people doing more than 80% of the work.  Second, it doesn’t work, hasn’t worked and will eventually burn out those who are in the “20%” working.  Of our church folks working, they are getting burned out, when they do too much.   

It is a constant struggle to find people to serve in church ministry. Some feel ill-equipped or unqualified, well you are if you’re trying to do it under your own power.  God is not looking for the equipped or qualified, He is looking to equip and qualify those who are faithful, available and teachable.  Others feel if I say “yes,” then I will be hounded till “Jesus comes” to do everything else. Unfortunately, this latter point is far too true in churches today.  Guilt should never be a factor in your decision to serve the Lord.

I would like to suggest a new model for us as God’s people. A model I call “My Primary Ministry.”  I have no clue if someone else has presented this or not, most likely someone has, “nothing new under the sun,” as they say.  What would ministry life be like in the church if everyone had one primary ministry that they poured their life and efforts into?  Here’s how it might look;

Have one “Primary Ministry” that you know God has called you to serve in. It doesn’t have to be a ministry you head-up or you’re in charge of, but one you pour your efforts into that will not be neglected, no matter what, the kind of ministry where you say, “it’s mine, it’s all mine.”

Have one “Secondary Ministry” that you’re assisting in when needed, usually helping someone accomplish their “Primary Ministry.” This can take some time and effort but never at the expense of your Primary Ministry.  Example; being an assistant teacher when needed, filling in when someone is on vacation, etc.

A “Third Ministry” might be just seasonal ministries you support because they are short term and/or require a limited amount of time or effort or at least only for a very short time.  Example; mission trip, Nursery or children Church Worker, being on committee team, setting up or taking down tables and chairs for an event, etc. Yet again, it should never affect your Primary Ministry.

         People might say, “if we do this a lot of what we do might not get done.”  Churches are doing a lot of things these days, but out of all that they are doing, “what are they doing well?”  Jesus speaking to His disciples in John 4:34 said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work,” (emphasis mine).  A lot of us are doing, but what are we accomplishing for God? 

         Maybe if each of us were doing what we have been called to accomplish, it would no longer be said “20% of the people are doing 80% of the work,” but it might be said that “100% of the people in church are accomplishing 100% of what God has called them to do.”  And Yes, we may be doing less but we might accomplish more for the glory of God.

Pastor Eric
Galatians 2:20

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