Monday, February 1, 2016

50 Day Reading Challenge

       How many Bibles do you own? One, two, more?  From my desk alone, as I write you, I see two Bibles on my desk, five on my shelf, one in Greek and another in Hebrew, countless others on my computer and more at home.  I am a blessed man, because my God made me and made a way for me to be in relationship with Him through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ, on a cruel cross. I am also blessed because the God who made me chose to reveal Himself to me and speak with me through His written Word, the Scriptures, the Holy Bible.

         As children of God, we want to be like Jesus or at least we should.  We struggle and strain in this fallen world looking for answers to life’s most difficult questions, seeking for reasons and for a purpose to why we are.  God has given us all the answers we seek in His Word.  He tells us how to live life with purpose, with intention and with a goal in mind. “Be like Jesus.” 

     Jesus faced every temptation known by man, and He faced those temptations with a heart loaded with the Word of God.  As the devil attempted to draw the attention of our Lord from His Father’s purpose for His life incarnate, Jesus fended off the devil’s attacks by proclaiming in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”  Jesus quoted Deuteronomy 8:3.

       Here is my question, do you hunger for God? Do you want to know Him? Do you want to know how to live life and live it godly? Then take the time and learn from the Master Craftsman of your Life.
                                  Pastor Eric  

Day 1              Genesis 1         Acts 1
Day 2              Genesis 2         Acts 2
Day 3              Genesis 3         Acts 3
Day 4              Genesis 4         Acts 4
Day 5              Genesis 5         Acts 5
Day 6              Genesis 6         Acts 6
Day 7              Genesis 7         Acts 7
Day 8              Genesis 8         Acts 8
Day 9              Genesis 9         Acts 9
Day 10            Genesis 10       Acts 10
Day 11            Genesis 11       Acts 11
Day 12            Genesis 12       Acts 12
Day 13            Genesis 13       Acts 13
Day 14            Genesis 14       Acts 14
Day 15            Genesis 15       Acts 15
Day 16            Genesis 16       Acts 16
Day 17            Genesis 17       Acts 17
Day 18            Genesis 18       Acts 18
Day 19            Genesis 19       Acts 19
Day 20            Genesis 20       Acts 20
Day 21            Genesis 21       Acts 21
Day 22            Genesis 22       Acts 22
Day 23            Genesis 23       Acts 23
Day 24            Genesis 24       Acts 24
Day 25            Genesis 25       Acts 25
Day 26            Genesis 26       Acts 26
Day 27            Genesis 27       Acts 27
Day 28            Genesis 28       Acts 28
Day 29            Genesis 29       Hebrews 1
Day 30            Genesis 30       Hebrews 2
Day 31            Genesis 31       Hebrews 3
Day 32            Genesis 32       Hebrews 4
Day 33            Genesis 33       Hebrews 5
Day 34            Genesis 34       Hebrews 6
Day 35            Genesis 35       Hebrews 7
Day 36            Genesis 36       Hebrews 8
Day 37            Genesis 37       Hebrews 9
Day 38            Genesis 38       Hebrews 10
Day 39            Genesis 39       Hebrews 11
Day 40            Genesis 40       Hebrews 12
Day 41            Genesis 41       Hebrews 13
Day 42            Genesis 42       1 John 1
Day 43            Genesis 43       1 John 2
Day 44            Genesis 44       1 John 3
Day 45            Genesis 45       1 John 4
Day 46            Genesis 46       1 John 5
Day 47            Genesis 47       2 John
Day 48            Genesis 48       3 John
Day 49            Genesis 49       Philemon
Day 50            Genesis 50       Jude

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